Monday, September 26, 2011

Ode to Ramen Noodles

When I am craving something good to eat,
and have very little change left to my name.
I open the cupboard,
What do I see?
Top Ramen noodles waiting patiently!
I heat up the water on my miniature stove,
Anticipating dinner in under 5 minutes.
The bubbles appear with vim and vigor.
I crunch on some noodles before
soaking them in their hot water bath.
Soften and boil, plump and cook.
Separating from their noodle nest.
Time for seasonings,
turn water to soup.
Carefully pouring into a bowl,
noodles sloshing as I carefully sit to indulge.
Ramen noodles I love for they are cheap to eat
and fill my grumbling belly until the next day!

*I really do enjoy ramen noodles.  I've learned to enjoy the simple things in life!

Ode to Peanut Butter & Jelly

Oh peanut butter how you make my heart soar!
You're protein packed punch on some toast makes my morning tolerable.
Then when it's lunch and time to munch, I bring out the jelly.
I put them together on some organic wheat bread.
In a perfect ratio I smush them together.
My tummy rumbles and I devour my staple.
Why is this an ode? You may ponder.
This is an ode because when I have no food,
There they sit in my fridge the most useful jars.
Peanut butter and jelly to bail me out of my hunger.
They are versatile condiments and go with many things.
Celery, carrots, tortillas, bread, use them in cookies or cake if you wish.
I'll take mine to lunch to save 10 bucks on dining out.
I never get bored because at least I'm not starving.
I enjoy when I do get to go out so much more,
and then it's back to PB&J galore!

*This ode was inspired by current situation of often eating PB&J to save a buck! I much appreciate you trusty condiments!
**Stay tuned for an ode to ramen noodles!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Many people living in a studio apartment complex with other apartment buildings surrounding the area equals quite a bit of noise throughout the day.  I have my neighbors that fight in a foreign language.  The first time I heard the raucous I had just stepped out of my car and the fighting seemed to be coming from the alley.  I was not about to be a victim of the alley. Not that there are any, but that's what scary movies to do people. I ran so fast into my building and couldn't get my key out fast enough.  Then I realized it was coming from the next complex over.  The screaming was a bit much. I was so scared I got out my pepper spray.  Then I've still got motorcycle guy that leaves and returns at random hours of the day.  And of course the walls are not very thick so I know when my neighbor is showering.  That's par for the course.  People fight, people listen to movies and music very loudly. Or like one of my neighbors have phone conversations very loudly.  It's a good thing I don't speak her language otherwise I'd know all her business. I have to say overall there isn't a whole lot going on for the most part.  I kind of wish there was. More food for my blog.