Thursday, February 13, 2014

Learning Not to Idealize Everything

Wow! What a busy life I lead! I know I'm not the only one, but I realize I haven't blogged in forever.  I couldn't remember my password or how to blog for a moment to get into my dashboard!

The new job has proved to be quite overwhelming and has many ups and downs.  I do not miss the commute, but I do miss not dreaming about work and laying awake exhausted, but not being able to stop my obsessive worry about things at work. I feel like I haven't done anything creative in quite a long time!  Okay, it's not just a feeling, it's a fact.  I question my brain's ability to be used in a creative fashion lately.  Mainly because by the time I get home I just want to drink wine, think about working out and watch television with my husband.  I can't figure out why I've gained 15 pounds since getting married. It's a conundrum!  I cancelled my gym membership today....that is all.

I just looked at what I titled this blog entry.  I'd better get down to the nitty gritty and get serious here!  I think it is very clear what I am learning to do since getting married.  All my life I have been told by people to go with the flow, not worry, take it easy and the latest exclamation from Mr. G to "Just RELAX!"  I have a problem.  I constantly feel like I'm wound up real tight and even relaxing takes real effort.  Mr. G is always having to force me to just enjoy relaxing. I don't think I'm there yet.  If I go on vacation it takes me a while to actually realize I'm on vacation until I start relaxing and enjoy it.  Oh it's sad I know, poor me.

Ok, back on track, the title of this blog.  After being married for 8 months, I am really enjoying being married.  There have been many adjustments of living with someone who thinks differently than I do, but after I stopped idealizing what things should be like or how we should act or how much money we should have and threw those shoulds out the window I realized that I needed to stop focusing on some picture perfect newlywed life and just enjoy the new family that was created 8 months ago.
I have an amazing husband, who although leaves his socks in places that I don't understand, he is one of the most fun, loving, and helpful husband's ever! Of this I am sure.  He does things that I don't expect which is always nice, like taking me out for our 2 year anniversary of our first date and surprising me with a gift and a funny card. We often play intense (neither of us likes losing) card games at night and we have fun being together. There are a lot of other good things that I am enjoying about marriage, but it'd probably make everyone sick.  Basically, lesson during the first year is communication is very important and once I stopped trying to make everything perfect, I was able to really enjoy the new life that we are building together.

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