Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Updates on Life

I really enjoy staying home and not working.  And when I say really, I mean really.  Did the emphasis on how much I enjoy it come through?  Okay great! Now we can continue.  Monday I was sent home because I thought I had pink eye.  Yes, conjunctivitis, that highly contagious infection that I had for 4 days prior to being sent home from work, but thinking it was allergies or just a reaction to some eye makeup that I probably have been keeping for too long.  It's happened before and I was always able to get rid of it on my own.  So I figured, eh allergies, but better tell my boss I'm going to the doctor to be sure.  She got so freaked out and made me go home 30 minutes after I got to work. I went to an urgent care, near my work, so that way I could return if it was just allergies.  Nope! Time for some eye drops!  I'm pretty sure that a bunch of people at Dave and Buster's got pink eye because of me.  Sorry! Don't wave your fists at me!  I thought it was allergies! What adult gets pink eye that isn't around kids every day! Oh, apparently it's fairly common.  Two of my coworkers are now out as a result. I also had to throw away all of my eye makeup that I've been using. So I have a bathroom trashcan full of money, contaminated with conjunctivitis.  Oh Urban Decay Naked Pallette how I will pine for your loss! I should stop touching my face and eyes so much because there are a bunch of germs just waiting to infest people apparently.  Whoops!  Okay now where was I?  Oh yes, I like to stay home...I really do. 
I was home on Monday because of my disgusting eyes and I got quite a bit done! I think I have talked about this subject of wanting to be a stay-at-home wife before.  So I assume you get the point.  I finally put a few more things away that have been sitting around needing a home, organized some things, washed dishes, made dinner, talked my husband's ear off when all he really wanted to do was come home from work and relax.  Usually he has many hours to relax and get things done, but SURPRISE, I'm home from work because of my nasty eyes!  Yay!  Well, I was excited, a little too excited.  And frankly, he wanted to just catch up on some much needed sleep, so I was a little, okay a lot, annoying. 
So I finished up some stuff and attempted to read my copy of Les Miserables.  A paragraph seemed good enough before I lost interest and looked for something else to do.  After going around the apartment in circles, cleaning makeup brushes, snacking, filling out paperwork, I finally got dinner on.  I really should have gone for a run because I had the time and needed to get some of my overflowing energies out.  Instead I waited like a weird puppy for the husband to wake up and watched Miss Congeniality and Miss Congeniality-Armed and Dangerous. The first one is the best.  I know I need help. 
What else is going on?  Well, some truly exciting stuff could be on the horizon!  I don't know for sure yet, but I'll write an update as soon as I know.  I may no longer be parked on the freeway!  *wink wink*
Stay tuned for more and thank you to all my thousands (which means maybe 5 readers) for following my random wanderings of my mind and life.

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