Usually when people say "the big day" I think of a couple's wedding, but for me it means moving day! I am striking out on my own to my new little studio in 5 days time when I get paid and spend a huge chunk of it for a little slice of independence. I am excited, yes, I am. Or I think I am and then doubt starts creeping in...stupid doubt...who told you to come to this party anyway? I start to doubt whether or not my budget can really handle all these new expenses, extra rent, electricity, groceries, internet(which I'll put off until I absolutely need it. I can use it at work.) What about bills??? What about unexpected expenses. Then I think that living with my family didn't help me with unexpected expenses either so I'll be fine. I still had rent and bills and food to buy.
So I'm going to stay excited because everything is nearly ready to go. Boxes are stacked in my room and labeled "dishes" "clothes" etc. You get the picture.
One thing I know to be true is that I can always go home again should something happen so unexpected that I need to return to the nest. Although this thought is comforting, I really hope it doesn't happen. I am relishing that fact that if I now go home from work and feel like just crashing out and not eat dinner, I can do so. I can work out at 11pm should I so desire and not have anyone think it's too late. I can go to bed early, really early and not have anyone worry that I am sick. I do appreciate my family worrying, but sometimes I want to do what I want and not have any worries brought to my attention.
I'll probably still be hanging out with them most days, especially weekends because I have not figured out how to cook small portions being that I come from a large family. And that I'll probably miss the noise after a while and love my mom's food and hanging out with her. Now that I'm older we are much more of friends and I like hanging around her. I'll miss my cat too and my crazy brothers so I'll be there a lot to soak up the family. :)
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