Monday, August 15, 2011

The keys will be a few short hours!

I have anxiously been awaiting August 15, 2011 (today) because I got my paycheck and get to hand a big chunk of it over as rent for my new apartment in exchange for the keys! Ooohhhh Ahhhhhh. I know it's really exciting.  I can see you jumping out of your seat with excitement for me.  Settle down. I can only handle my own feelings right now.  I appreciate your enthusiasm though.  
I don't know why, but I have  a really weird suspicion that when I get there to drop off the check and fill out paperwork they will say oh who are you?  We forgot about you and rented it to someone else.  And then I'll say, but wait I have the receipt from the deposit I put down to hold the place.  And then they will deny the whole thing, saying that is not their writing or signature and I will have to take them to court to get my money back and live out of boxes until I find a new place.  
Yeah, I'm weird.  I know.  You don't need to tell me.  I'm just a little anxious....a little.  My hands are shaking from the caffeine this morning (even though I haven't drank a full cup yet).  I wonder if the bank will let me take out that much money! I hate that I have to actually go inside the bank to get a cashier's check because the apartment management doesn't take personal checks until they deem me reliable enough.  You mean I have to go inside and have personal contact with a teller?  AH! Social anxiety!!!! I blame it on the fact that I have grown up around technology that denies us personal contact with people.  I've gotten used to pre-recorded messages, text messages, and online tools so much that sometimes I feel like every real person that I've never met is a stranger...STRANGER DANGER!!! Okay, wow. I'll calm down.  Maybe all this new independence and branching out on my own is making me a little neurotic.  I'll probably spend the first night in my apartment with all the lights on and jumping at every weird sound my neighbors or the old creaky apartment walls make.  Okay off to do real work and earn money so that I can actually survive on my own!


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