I have been searching for an apartment for some time, now that I have a stable job and decent income. This income although decent allows me to take care of myself and live paycheck to paycheck, but I figure that is better than nothing. Southern California is not cheap. If I want to live next to a crack house I can get a one bedroom and a decent size apartment for less than 800 (true story-there was an obvious drug operation being run out of the house next door, so I didn't even get out to look at the apartment. My mom was with me and gasped and told me to keep driving. I couldn't stop laughing.). It is scary what you don't get for your many hours worked at a full-time job. I finally stopped lying to myself that I would be okay living in certain areas and found a decent studio that is as big as my current room. Now my room that I currently live in is large...for a room. My studio is about the same size, but has a kitchen and bathroom taking up space. So my bed will fill up the majority of the space. I am really tempted to trade my little brother his twin bed for my full size in an attempt to open up more space.
I started packing up my room and getting rid of things that I don't wear or use anymore. It is amazing the amount of junk I have squeezed into my room over the last several years. It's a bit overwhelming and I finally broke down in tears this past weekend from stress. I was not breaking down from regret over my decision, but simply the amount of stress I was trying to keep under control. That and I am an emotional female. That never helps deal with things. A good friend of mine came to help me pack on Saturday and we had big plans for wine and snacks to help us make a party. Instead we opted for ice cream and coffee to keep us going.
I have grand plans for my new place. We will see if I can make them come to fruition within my measly budget for extras. Right now I am focused on food, necessities and bills. Maybe I'll become super creative now on decorating ideas on a budget!
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