Thursday, August 25, 2011

Curtains and Motorcycle Riders

I need curtains.  Having a sliding door as an entire wall/front door and only standard white apartment curtains to block out light and curious neighbors is not enough.  I need some serious blackout curtains because I like to sleep in the dark.  I've been waking up at 4am almost everyday ready to get ready for work because the lights surrounding the courtyard and from the street. I use my diminishing eyesight to look at my alarm clock on my desk to see that it says 4:00....AM! Darn it all I say to myself and throw my blanket back over my head.  One time I actually got up and wondered why in tarnation the coffee hadn't started brewing....I was 2 hours too early. Next purchase...dark curtains. I tried a sleep mask but the minute I wriggle it off my face mid-snooze I'm awake again.  Apartment life sure is exciting. 
So, I will buy curtains and ear plugs.  Some species of human believe that it is okay to rev their very loud motorcycle from 11pm to 11:30pm.  It was kind of a game.  Pillow over the head for revving and driving up and down driveway...raucous noise stops....pillow off the head...relief. This game went on for 30 minutes.  I had visions of getting up and yelling out the bathroom window, throwing bottles and calling the cops.  I get angry when I'm tired and people make unnecessary noise and then I do nothing about it besides throw my fists at my pillow and scream(quietly). Although it was necessary in this person's world to partake in this annoying activity.  I wonder if he broke up with his significant other and he was debating to go or to stay.  Go...rev rev down the driveway...come i'll go....she's through with me and vice versa....rev rev rev....vroom...i'm outta here! I mean come on man make up your mind! Go or stay! Be decisive! Maybe that's why she kicked him out.  I don't claim to know anything about motorcycle neighbor, but putting the scenario into this light makes me laugh as I sit work..doing an expense report and drinking coffee like it's my lifeline.  Until the next exciting apartment drama unfold...bye for now!

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