I was determined to get my keys on Monday so after asking to take a half day off of work and calling the managers without success I waiting until 1pm and went over there. They were really busy painting and fixing up their place, but I successfully obtained my keys! Then I began the moving process. A lot of my stuff is now in my apartment after 2 days of moving. Normally, I would prefer to do everything in one day, but I don't feel like doing everything this Saturday except the big items, so I have been moving what I can over after work. My family has been really helpful and my youngest brother was even excited to clean the bathroom. He said "I'll clean the bathroom for you Jen. I've never cleaned an apartment bathroom before." Ahhh youth. How could I stifle that desire to help? I just had to let him do it.
I still feel like I need to do more scrubbing because even though it was "cleaned" before I moved in, it was very dusty and knowing that others lived there before me makes me want to thoroughly scrub everything 3 times. I don't know why 3 times is sufficient, but it seems like a good enough number.
I'm already loving my little place and all the quirks it has. I discovered that there are absolutely no electrical outlets in my little kitchen except for the one behind the fridge. Fortunately a friend of mine bought me a bunch of basics to get me started including a power strip and extension cords. So problem solved. One whole side of my cabinets is completely overtaken by the water heater...I don't have that much stuff. Problem solved. No stuff to want to put in that cabinet...no problem.
My mom and little brother helped me move more stuff in last night and clean the floors in the kitchen and bathroom. We were walking back out to my car to grab more stuff and a very "interesting" middle-aged man in a tank-top walks out of the other apartment 2 doors away from mine and slowly goes down the stairs. Nothing wrong with this exactly right? Except for the fact that he is looking around at everyone's apartment and sort of shuffling his feet. I can't describe the feeling I got except creepy! I thought okay don't overreact, but when my mom looked at me with her worried mom face, I knew my feelings were valid. To top it off when I was walking back he pulled back his blinds and very obviously watched me walk back to my apartment. I stared him down because there is no way I'm going to give the impression that I am unaware of his presence. My mom was totally freaked out and I told her I would always have my pepper spray out when I walked to my apartment. Yikes! There sure are some creepers and of course he wasn't living there when I originally looked at the place. Oh well, he will probably move on somewhere else at some point. I am sure the stories will continue as I take up residence in my new abode. Au Revoir for now!
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