Friday, August 26, 2011

Coffee....I will do what it takes to get some.

I get paid next week which is great because I can finish paying my deposit off for my apartment.  Unfortunately that is what I call my bill paying paycheck.  No joke.  All my bills are paid with that check.  So...I haven't gone to the store.  I have food. I have a roof over my head. I have face wash, soap, get the picture.  Necessities.  And I have coffee.  I got home last night around 9:20pm and realized that I had used my last coffee filter.  I could've run out to the dollar store, but it would be closed most likely and I had just put on grungy clothes and washed my face and began the process of washing up my sink full of dishes.  I was NOT going to the store.  Plus, the dollars that I did have were being saved for gas.  There was no way I could wait until I got to work to drink my morning cup o' joe.  No way! That's insane!!! Plus, my timer goes off everyday at 6am so I know even if I sleep through the alarm that when that coffee aroma fills my apartment it is time to get up.  So you see it is a necessity that I have coffee EVERY DAY! I said all of that to say this.  I am NOT lazy to the point of not going to the store.  I AM however broke at the moment because this venturing out alone for the first time has been expensive, especially since I don't have a lot.  I did expect this and I also have to say that my family has been very supportive.  I am in no way discounting that and everything will work out once I get these last few things paid off.  It's just tight...VERY tight....I digress. The reason I digress is because I am ashamed to admit what I am about to say next.  Last night I washed out the last filter that was sitting in my coffee pot and...and...and I reused it! *I throw my hands over my face in embarrassment* I realize it's not the depression, but hey it was a perfectly good filter! I NEEDED my coffee. Don't judge me! Yeah you. Don't look at me like that. At least I didn't pull it out of the trash! Okay, I'll go buy some coffee filters. And silverware.  Cutting a bagel with a plastic knife is an adventure in itself.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I will ask motorcycle guy if he has some filters...or not...
